Devlog: I'm Kind of Out of the Hole Now

Hello everyone!

It has been a while. I know. I'm so sorry. 

If you follow me on tumblr (or read my old post from May), you're already aware of all of this, but I'm putting this up here for my individuals/new people. 

Here's a quick rundown of how everything has gone for me in 2023:

Between the end of February 2023 to around the end of August 2023, my life was a chaotic mess. I'd been injured while abroad (and trapped for around 6 weeks abroad without adequate care to boot), and then I had about 3 and half months of intense physical therapy followed by my grandfather dying and then the stress of trying to find a new job with my new (probably permanent) limp.  I spent September and October getting my life back on track, so I was only able to start putting work back into Pario for real, for real around November (despite my frequent attempts to try and get things going after the end of July. It just didn't work out until November).

I am now putting work into getting Pario where it needs to be. I do truly hope to have a 0.1 update soon with the next section plus a bug submission form to make it easier to report bugs/typos for it. 

I will probably never be able to be speedy with progress again since I've now got to work a full-time job. Gelus had so much time put into it because I was doing a program abroad where I only had to work 12 hours a week while still making enough money to live off of. Thus, I had 4 to 6 hours a day to put into it when necessary. Now I'm working 35-40 hours a week, finding a stray 30 minutes to 2 hours a day to put into Pario - if I can find them in my schedule. Also, I am taking great care to not overwork myself! I promise! That's part of the reason why I'm slower now.

So, while I cannot give solid dates, I do truly hope to have Pario finished by the end of Spring next year (so long as both myself and our lovely artist can get it done by that time without making things hard for ourselves). Cross your fingers for me.

I'm sorry I don't have better or more cheerful news. Thank you all so much for your support thus far!

Hopefully, the next update post is about 0.1 being released!


Get Sacrarium Pario


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(1 edit) (+3)

I'm that you're putting a bit of work into Pario when you find time, but please don't overwork yourself. Put yourself first <3


holy. moly. please put yourself first. sending all the love to you!!! my goodness! im so sorry you had to go through any of that! :(

we, and i, appreciate your work and you very much hence i hope you return to good health again. and im sorry for your grandfather’s passing, i hope you’re doing okay!

thank you so much for what you’ve done and im so happy that you’ve come so far. im an atheist but i pray to all the gods that everything works out for you


omfg it's so amazing to have you back. Your work is so amazing and i'm  glad you're feeling better. Let us know if there's anything we as your loyal fans can do to make your life easier. Be safe, eat well, and sleep good!


This is my all time favorite romance game on itch, even with it being just a demo, and I can't tell you how much appreciation goes to you for putting the work in for this. Please take your time, and I hope this next coming year will be easier on you! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


Please do take care of yourself and im sorry that happend to you! I wish you well and i hope that evry thing goes smoothly (please dont overwork yourself) with that said i wish you a Happy new year and Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it)